Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Pop Goes The Abscess?

So I accidently deleted my previous post which I'm so annoyed about because I really liked it but i'm not about to rewrite it for a 3rd time sorry to say. I will just be brief in the recent events. Easter he was worse than ever on that foot to the point of hardly bearing weight on it. I had to ask the vet if I could give him something for the pain because it was that bad. So after the ok I gave some bananime that evening & he had to be stalled due to the incoming rain because I couldn't have his boots soaked & soggy considering I wasn't able to pick up his left foot because he couldn't bare all his weight on the right. So after a not very cheerful Easter holiday the next day rolls around & he was having his massage therapist out. My mom was thankfully able to be there since I had to work. She reported back to me that he was walking so much better than he had been the day before. With hearing that my heart jumped & skipped at even the thought. Could his abscess have finally popped & we can start moving forward again? His massage & energy work revealed a very sore back, hurt knee, & his heel was bothering him which is where the farrier said his abscess is/was. I was very thankful she fit him into her schedule she is always there for Ben when he needs her the most & helps him out so much. A lot of what she found is related to his abscess & rolling off the trailer. So I go to the barn that evening to see how good he is myself & to do our new evening routine that included soaking & animalintex. He was walking so much better than the day before I was elated.  He still was not 100% but he was 75% better than the day before! He was clearly much happier as well he was walking around his field a lot more than he had been doing the day before. I let his farrier & vet know of his recent progress.

So that brings us back to today. I decided to let his feet air out of his boots now that he was willing to shift his weight around again so of they came! He was still walking on his toe without the boots but he was testing out his heel to see how it felt. He is such a trooper through all this & tries his hardest to get through it all. So I gave him a good grooming & let him go almost an hour boot free in the field. He let me pick out his other hoof & reapply both boots with no problem. That alone is a huge step. He still isn't 100% yet but we will get there. These boots have been amazing for him I don't even know were he would be without them during all this! He has been wearing them for 5 days now with being turned out all day & night & they have held up great so far & fit perfectly. Thank you easyboot clouds!

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