Friday, April 1, 2016

Rollar coaster of a ride

Well looks like we have our final answer as to what exactly is going on with Ben's foot. Lets back track a little before we get to today. So the day after Easter he was showing so much improvement we really thought hey his abscess popped & he's on the mend now or so we hoped. Well he was doing ok but never returned to soundness. So as the days went by he started back tracking & getting worse again. Frustraion levels always on the ups these days anymore & what else was I to expect right. So I looked at his foot & found a purple heel... Well hello there bruise? It was pretty nasty looking & went into his Hoof area as well. No wonder he was not fully returning to soundness he had a nasty bruise brewing... So another contact to his farrier & he agreed it looked like some sort of trauma had caused it vs an abscess now. Ben never follows any rules so it's difficult to get a proper diagnosis with him especially when it comes to his right front. So I put some magic cushion xtreme on the bottom of his foot booted him back up & was hoping for a sounder horse by,morning. Well since this is me & Ben naturally its never going to be that I come to find an even more painful Ben ... This was the last straw I was tired of waiting tired of guessing ...what if something more serious was going on & that's why he was not coming back? What if he had a fracture of his coffin bone or anything of the sort. So I needed more definitive answers so vet appt scheduled for the following day & his farrier also coming out again to see if he could find anything else. 

So brings us to today. I go to see Ben before farrier arrives & he's baring full weight on his I did give him a dose of banamine the night prior but it should be out of his system by then... So he walks to me 80% better than the day before . it's like he knew the vet was coming. So the farrier sees him nothing obvious nothing at all really his bruise had even faded. He still has a pulse though so we both agreed the vet needed to come to rule out anything else for peace of mind & if she can help him be happier & sounder. So out comes the vet we go to the xrays which revealed nothing thankfully. Everything looked perfectly normal! That's a sigh of relief no hoof falling off at least or broken bones. So it was agreed to be a bruise behaving badly like they love to do apparently. He's going to be out for a few weeks with this even though he's not currently being ridden due to the ulcers anyway but still. So he was placed on Isoxsuprine for his feet & surpass for his knee, & allowed to take Equioxx as needed for his painful days (which hopefully are behind us) . So I feel much better now that we have a better plan in place & can move forward once again. I'm hoping this didn't upset his stomach in anyway but I guess time will tell unfortunately ... Keep checking for our dollar coaster rides. 

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