I had someone say wow that's a long time to treat ulcers, but in reality ulcers can be that bad & he was that sick. Most horses go around with ulcers & they show you signs but you may not think that ulcers are the cause. It's not an easy or fun injury to deal with. Its expensive, time consuming, you have to change everything from what you are doing because its not working. You either put your heart into it or you will never fully heal them. Don't let it get to the point that it did for us. I was blindsided & felt like I was smacked in the face with a bat. I had a feeling he had ulcers but no one agreed with me for awhile & I began treating him but it was too severe at that point. He needed a major intervention.
For this months medications he will be continuing his Sucralfate for another 30 days & is now able to stop the Misoprostol. I know your probably wondering if he's better then why are you still medicating? That is an easy answer. You cannot I repeat cannot just stop medications cold turkey with ulcers you have to slowly wean them off everything. Reoccurrence rate is very high for horses who have ulcers if you stop medications too soon, do not find the secondary cause as to why they happened in the first place, & do not make some serious management reevaluations. I still remember another comment I got when Ben was first diagnosed. It was oh well that's easy enough to treat.... people are very ill informed about how badly ulcers can effect horses & just how complicated treating them really is. I am speaking from experience & for everyone who has a horse with ulcers & going through this roller coaster of a ride. One of my main reasons in starting this blog is to raise more awareness about ulcers. They are there whether you see them or not. I bet if you called up a hospital & asked just how many they diagnose in a week you would turn pale. Stop turning a blind eye & start listening to what your horses are telling you. They speak in words we should learn to understand.
Again thank you to everyone for your help. We are not finished this journey we are simply closing a chapter to start a new one. I can only hope he continues improving & inspiring me & anyone who he touches.
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