I'm not trying to say that every probem with every horse is a result of ulcers, nor am I saying how you manage your horse is wrong. To each his own. I am simply sharing what I have learned & my personnel experience with a GI injury I feel needs more awareness brought to it. If it's driving you crazy to constantly hear or read about it then don't. Simple as that. To those that truly are interested & want to know our story I thank you for the support.
During my search in regards to ulcers I came across a page someone had written & they described everything so perfectly so I wanted to share that with you. I did not write the next two paragraphs nor will I try to take any credit for it. I found it on a website lunatunesfreestyles.com/ulcers. Another person who shared their experience with ulcers & wanted to raise awareness.
"Does your horse spook, bolt, rear, buck, or kick while riding? Is your horse “girthy”? Is your horse nervous or does it worry? Do you ride a mare, stallion, or sensitive gelding? Do you believe your horse is not happy? Does your horse always seem to be crooked to the right? Does it not want to pick up the right canter lead or do flying changes in that direction? Does your horse have a hard time holding weight? Is it a picky eater? Does it have a dull coat? Has your horse just experienced a recent trauma in their life? Have they been recently imported, moved to a new barn, or their buddy has left? Has your horse's behavior gotten worse as your training proceeds where as it should be getting better? Does your horse colic or stress when the weather changes, either hot, cold, or both? "
Take the above into some serious consideration before it becomes an even bigger probem. I learned the hard way & I never want Ben to have to go through this again. Treating takes time & full manangment changes not the 28 day course of Gastrogard & your cured. Sure your improved but as I have said before you need to slowly & carefully decrease medications as time & response is noted. Ben is on his 6 month of treatment. Sounds crazy long for those that aren't aware just how serious it can be. For those that have experienced it first hand fully understand.
This is a photo of Ben's gastroscopy. The left side is the before photos of his initial diagnosis. The photos on the right side are one month later of 3 different medications being thrown at him. Major improvments but as seen on the bottom 2 photos not full resolution. It takes time & change to heal.
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